Hosting a website in Google Drive
Setting up Drive Folder for a Website
If you’re learning to host a site on Google Drive out of curiosity, you probably aren’t satisfied with having all the work done for you with a script. Unfortunately for you, it’s not particularly techy or in-depth, it just has more steps.
- Create a new folder in Google Drive
- Upload the contents of your website’s .zip file and move them to the folder.
- Right click the folder and choose ‘share’, then ‘advanced’ at the bottom of the popup.
- Choose ‘Public on the web’ and save.
- After hitting save, you’ll be given a public link but it will be a link to the folder your .html files are stored in on Drive, not an actual website.
- So the next thing we need to do is to change the link. Cut out the string of letters and numbers between id= and &usp, and paste it at the end of
- Navigate to your new link, and you should see your web page!
For a video tutorial on how to host a website on Google Drive see below: