Hosting a website in Google Drive

Setting up Drive Folder for a Website

If you’re learning to host a site on Google Drive out of curiosity, you probably aren’t satisfied with having all the work done for you with a script. Unfortunately for you, it’s not particularly techy or in-depth, it just has more steps.

1. Create a new folder in Google Drive

2. Upload the contents of your website’s .zip file and move them to the folder.

3. Right click the folder and choose ‘share’, then ‘advanced’ at the bottom of the popup.

Hosting a website in Google Drive Sharing

4. Choose ‘Public on the web’ and save.

Make hosted website public on Google Drive

5. After hitting save, you’ll be given a public link but it will be a link to the folder your .html files are stored in on Drive, not an actual website.

How to host a website on Google Drive Sharing Link

6. So the next thing we need to do is to change the link. Cut out the string of letters and numbers between id= and &usp, and paste it at the end of

How to host a website on Google Drive Link

7. Navigate to your new link, and you should see your web page!

For a video tutorial on how to host a website on Google Drive see below:

last updated: 10/16/23 mb