Managing Google Storage


Google used to allow unlimited data for school districts, but now limits the district to 100TB as of the summer of 2023. We had to establish sustainable limits since we are required to keep emails and data for years after a staff member leaves, and up to a year for students who graduate.  The District made the decision to set the limits to 100GB for all staff, 50GB for students, and 50GB for shared drives.  This will allow us to grow without going over our allocation. 

Viewing your Storage Allocation

In Google Drive, at the bottom of the left hand menu you will see a Storage button.  Click on the button and it will show you the largest files in your drive and you can start removing or moving unneeded large files. 

Google Drive Menu

To remove a file, right click on it and select "Move To Trash".  This will move the file to Google Drives trash and set a timer to permanently delete the file in 30 days.  The files will still count against your total storage allocation until they are permanently deleted.  
Google Dil List
If you want to delete the files before the 30 day timer, you can right click on the file and select "Delete forever" for individual files, or you can click the "Empty trash" button on top of the Trash section in Google and all files will be deleted right away.  Your Storage allocation will update within 5 minutes of file deletions.

Google Storage Delete


last updated 8/11/2023 mb