Articles in this category Printing Report Cards As of 2024, LPOSD is using MBA to create and print report cards. For elementary teachers, this is a simple process defined in 4 steps, and outlined with screenshots in this ScribeHow. For seconda Helpful Teacher Links The following links will help you with better understand the Teacher features of powerschool. To login to Powerschool, navigate to Powe Sending an email to student(s) and guardians You have several options when it comes to emailing student(s) and guardians. If you want to send an email to a class or a group of students in your class and/or their contacts you should use the follo... Setting Weights in PowerTeacher Pro If you have weighted categories in Schoology then you need to weight your categories in PowerTeacher Pro as well. This process must be done by the teacher as tech and administrators have no writing ac... Secondary Teacher Schoology and PowerSchool Connection Checklist This list will have all the parts necessary to get your Schoology and PowerSchool connected. (Optional) If teaching multiple of the same class, link classes in Schoology. This allows you to only need... Create and View a report of Student ID and Passwords Follow this ScribeHow. Please ensure no one has an opportunity to take a picture or obtain this list. This list should be shredded if printed. Updated: 8/5/2024 DH Adaptive Scheduler Requesting/Scheduling Students Adaptive Scheduler is a plug-in from MBA that allows for students to be in different classes throughout the week while still allowing teachers the ability to have a roster, take attendance, and get im...